
The customer journey – Search and Engagement

There is a difference between a glance and a stare and there is a difference between awareness and engagement.

In the previous blog post, we covered how to make the customer aware of your brand and the principles of posting consistently. However, to reach the conversion, you need to get your customer engaged.

In this stage, your target audience is now aware that you exists. Now you want to educate them about what problem they may have and what are the results.

Engagement with your customer can be described as the process of interacting with customers. This process helps you to strengthen your relationship with them and to push your connection to the next level. You may even relate this to interpersonal relationships and see some similarities here.

Gallup research shows that a fully-engaged customer represents 23% more revenue. It is not simple to come up with an engagement strategy that would work for every company and in every industry. But sincere focus on empathy, clarity and simplicity helps every time.

If you consider your engagement level on social media, many companies make basic mistakes of delivering plain messages that don’t communicate their care about customers at all. If you want your customer to feel engaged you need to put in more effort.

This means that the post has to appear as if it was written for the customer specifically. In a sense, the customer needs to feel like if it was a personal message that they just received. And when you receive a personal message that touches you, you respond.

It also not uncommon to ask questions but asking questions in a post on LinkedIn for example may seem a bit too demanding and post that are craving attention are not a long-term solution.

You need to find a way to post consistently, with the care for your customer needs with regards to your industry and make it feel like this post was made just for them.

As you may have seen, in 2014 Coca-Cola launched a very original marketing campaign that delivered huge engagement. #ShareACoke removed the company’s logo on bottles and replaced it with 250 of the most common names in the U.S. The campaign was very successful because the customer felt as if the product was delivered right to them.

Why do you think Starbucks puts your name on your cup?

This is exactly the way you should now look at your content. Is it personal enough? Does it meet standards of empathy, clarity and simplicity? The more consistently you are posting on your social media platforms the more data you will have on customer engagement and the more you will know what works for you and what does not. If some posts don’t work for you, don’t worry. Take a deeper look at them and analyze what went wrong.

Some practical tips and tricks

In the previous article, the main goal was to find what are the interests, problems, and goals of your target audience. You did it by researching their profile activity or research what other big media platforms are posting about or simply ask on a sales meeting.

Now, use all you have found and write 3 titles that you can write about. For example, if your target audience’s interest is Payments, the problem they are solving is people using competitors’ apps because they have faster speed. The goal is to find out solution, you can write about:

  • Providers comparison
  • Target audience companies comparison and problem description
  • New innovation in the market relate to the problem
  • Post an industry report related to the issue describing the problem and solution more in depts
  • Write a summary of that report

Write these 3-4 posts. Only one post will not work as the chance of your target audience reading is very low and sending the article to the DM is a little bit too intrusive and can be counterproductive.

Also, you want to mention in the posts for example their competitors. This way you will give them the opportunity to realize that if their direct/indirect competitors are having this problem maybe they have this problem too. By this, you will make the potential clients interested in problems, curious and keen to learn more. Also you will push them into the next stage which is Reputation and Conversation, in which they will want to learn about your solution and compare your solution with other solutions on the market.

We will talk about what to do to convert the target audience into inbound meetings.

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